School 2 Stay Safe Protocols and Support Guide

School 2 Stay Safe Protocols and Support Guide

Students and families must read the School 2 Stay Safe Protocols & Support Guide BEFORE ATTENDING SCHOOL. Thank you for doing everything you can to keep your child, the school staff, and our community safe.

Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences – 12/3 and 12/4

The Troy CSD Elementary Schools will hold their parent-teacher conferences virtually this year due to COVID-19. Conferences will take place via Webex on Thursday, December 3, from 5 to 8 p.m., and on Friday, December 4, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Elementary students will have a half day on Friday. Please click the link above for links to our teacher’s virtual conferences. We will be updating this page in the days before the conferences.

Learning and Transportation Choice Form: February 1 – June 25, 2021

Anyone wishing to request a change to their child’s Learning and/or Transporation Choice may do so by completing the form by December 1, 2020. ONLY those wishing to request a change must complete the form. If you do not need to request a change, no action is required. Please click the link above for details.

Letter from Superintendent John Carmello: Learning and Transportation Choice Form to be sent by November 16

In a letter dated November 6, Superintendent John Carmello asks parents to begin thinking about their child’s learning model for the rest of the school year. A Learning and Transportation Choice Form will be sent to families by November 16 and parents will have until December 1 to request a change. Only those requesting a change need to complete the form. If your child is continuing with their current model, no action is required.