Letter from Superintendent John Carmello: Learning and Transportation Choice Form to be sent by November 16

In a letter dated November 6, Superintendent John Carmello asks parents to begin thinking about their child’s learning model for the rest of the school year. A Learning and Transportation Choice Form will be sent to families by November 16 and parents will have until December 1 to request a change. Only those requesting a change need to complete the form. If your child is continuing with their current model, no action is required.

Last chance to complete the 2020 Census!

Last chance to complete the 2020 Census!

After some back and forth regarding the deadline of the 2020 Census, the Census Bureau announced it will keep accepting responses online at My2020Census.gov through Oct. 15 until 11:59 p.m. Hawaii time. The bureau has also set Oct. 15 as the postmark deadline for paper forms, as well as the end date for collecting phone responses and door knocking at unresponsive households.

Remote ONLY Day – November 3 – No in-person learning

In a letter to families on October 7, Troy City School District Superintendent John Carmello announces that Tuesday, November 3, (Election Day) will be a Remote Only Practice Day for the entire school district. All students will be learning from home on this day and should not report to school. Learn more by clicking the link above.

Logging on for remote or hybrid learning

Logging on for remote or hybrid learning

Students will use their Troy Google account to access all things Google – Classroom, Gmail, Meet, Chromebook log in, Drive, Slides, etc. This is what will also log you into your Troy Clever Account where you can find your schedule and teacher assignments. This is also where elementary students can access SeeSaw – the platform used for elementary remote learning.